MomOpinion Matters
Saturday February
27, 2010
Well Dear Friends,
After six months, we have come to the end of our journey. I have such mixed feelings right
now. On the one hand, I am totally exhausted. Posting a book-on-line was so much more work than I ever imagined, and
I felt compelled through thick and thin, sickness and health to persevere. On the other hand, writing about what I love
has been an extraordinarily rewarding experience and I am sad to let it go.
In the end, I hope that those of you who have read all the
way through come away with at least one little insight, or some new perspective that helps clarify an issue or, that H20 to
Go! has simply reaffirmed what you already believe to be most important for your children’s emotional well-being.
I am off to visit my son in southern California. I am so excited.! He is in grad school and ROTC. Then I
am going to visit my childhood friend in Northern California and we shall sit on her bed, snack, watch the Academy Awards
and have serious girl time. (My husband’s gift to me!) Besides everything else, I have been trying to see every movie
that is up for an award before I arrive at her door.
When I return, I shall decide whether or not to post a segment
of Part 2of H20-- originally entitled: Moments in Time and the Heart, Humor & Optimism therein--snapshots of humorous
incidences and musings. It would cover The High School Years, since we are approaching graduation.
are other writing projects I had to put on hold in order to blog this book. I’d like to give them some attention for
a while. We shall see.
I would, however, love to hear from you—what did you like best of what you read. Was
anything truly helpful? Would you have liked me to discuss something I didn’t?
Whether it’s Praise
or criticism, I truly appreciate your thoughts and comments.
Please email me at MomOpinion Matters reference H20!
God bless and may God bless
your children twice!
I will write daily H20 moments from sunny, warm-California--warm??? I do not know what that is anymore!
Can my feet fit into anything other than Uggs? UGH!
Thank you for keeping me company and supporting me through
this effort.
With much affection.
Margo Judge