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ER Positive Coaching

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 Margo Judge, CPC, ELI-MP
ER, Effective Relationship, Coaching to Go!
     *Families*Young Adults*School & Career

To All Young People (18 Years of Age and Up)
Your future life is all about Relationships.
 As a young person, you will be in a constant relationship with other people, evolving situations, and changing environments.
How you handle these will determine ultimate happiness and success.
ER Coaching can guide you through:
Improving those relationships you value (friends, family, partners)
Managing the relationships you need  (academic, work, social, extended or step family members)
Making a conscious choice in  all new relationships (dating, partners, marriage)
and taking an action to alter existing negative and destructive relationships (associates, friends, partners, spouses, relatives)
For Further Information Contact:
Margo Judge, CPC, ELI-MP*
 *Coach sessions by phone and/or in person
  *Strictest confidentiality observed.